Warehouse Unit

Today, with the advancement of technology and science, the possibility of mass production of goods has been provided, and this work requires careful and coherent planning for optimal, timely and maximum use of facilities, and division of labor and population growth has created the need to use other people’s products. And this has led to the emergence of regular organizations that in these complex technical and social systems, warehousing as a medium allows the circulation of goods from production to consumption. Therefore, warehousing and backup is the backbone of any business because the department Most of the capital of any organization is in stock.

Managing warehousing processes and obtaining accurate and timely information about the company’s inventory status is one of the most important basic needs of senior managers of the organization so that planning, appropriate decisions regarding inventory maintenance costs, ordering and timely supply of goods and Prevent shortages.

 In general, in the definition of warehouse: is a place and space where one or more types of industrial goods or different raw materials and products are classified based on a regular and correct system. Warehouses of Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan Company in terms of construction form and In terms of the type of activity, it is as follows:

1- Indoor warehouses: including raw materials warehouse, paint warehouse, consumer necessities warehouse, food warehouse and detergent warehouse

2- Outdoor warehouse: (including raw material warehouse)

3-Handcar Warehouse: Includes a warehouse with a covered roof for storage of liquefied gas capsules and .

All warehouse activities include: warehousing process, arrangement, classification, coding, warehousing methods, and warehouse safety, office and archiving, etc., in accordance with the instructions and executive methods developed.

Warehouse system: Warehouse software system is a system under the web of solutions (HAMKARAN SYSTEM).

This system, which is integrated with the warehouse accounting subsystem, includes the following tasks:

-Product process (definition and introduction of goods, etc.)

– The process of managing and maintaining inventory and records of goods Warehousing process

– Process of various pricing methods such as FIFO, LIFO

– The process of removing goods from the warehouse

-Statistical and managerial reports

One of the prominent and significant points is the special attention and attention of the top management of the company based on cooperation and transparency of entries. Managing the entry and exit of goods from the borders and the warehousing system and identifying them and controlling the entry and exit of goods and managing the information about the owners of goods and finally managing the inventory and the process of supply and transparency of the official trade helps.